We understand that one of the biggest barriers preventing students from achieving their goals of pursuing careers in computer science is access to education. That is why we have compiled a list of free learning resources that we think motivated young coders will benefit from the most.
Code.org is a fantastic website for learning fundamental computer science concepts as a beginner and can prove especially useful in engaging younger coders.
From web development to AI, Codecademy offers a wide selection of topics that employers value and is a great site for learning more advanced topics after understanding the basics of computer science. It can be used as a kind of introduction to advanced coding since most of their more advanced courses are hidden behind paywalls.
Freecodecamp offers more in-depth instruction than either Codecademy or Code.org and is a great way to hone your skills after getting an introduction to advanced concepts at Codecademy. The level at which Freecodecamp teaches its courses is up to the standards employers are looking for, and they have an even wider selection of courses than Codecademy. If you are looking for challenging problems to make you think, then this is the place for you.
MIT OpenCourseWare (MIT OCW) provides free and open access to a vast collection of educational materials and course content from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Sourced directly from MIT's own classrooms, these courses allow students to dig deeper than anything else available and cover nearly every topic of study in computer science. However, these courses tend to be extremely difficult, so students should be prepared for the intellectual challenge ahead.
Udemy and Coursera
Udemy and Coursera offer various free and paid computer science courses, with Coursera even offering valuable industry certifications and courses from accredited institutions. Contact our student career counselor for info about specific courses.
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