Who we are?

We are the Young Coders Initiative, a student-led non-profit dedicated to promoting computational literacy and career opportunities in tech-related fields. We support underprivileged youth by visiting schools with limited exposure to STEM where we introduce possible career paths in computer science; teach foundational coding skills; connect students with educational resources; and support students with internships, jobs, and college admissions.

Our seminars serve as a gateway for students to explore the rapidly evolving world of technology independently, empowering them to leverage these innovations to become changemakers within their own community. We also host monthly events where students can meet like-minded peers and have fun exploring their passions.

Our mission

Computer science graduates have some of the highest starting salaries in the U.S., and major sectors in which they are employed, such as IT, are projected to see the most growth when compared to other industries over the next 10 years. Despite this, careers in tech-intensive fields remain out of reach for a significant proportion of the population:

  • Only 51% of U.S. high schools offer ANY computer science classes, with lower rates in disadvantaged areas.
  • Women comprise just 20% of CS graduates (2021).
  • African and Hispanic Americans represent only 4.2% and 6.9% of the CS workforce, respectively.

Our mission is to foster an appreciation for computer science in students who otherwise wouldn’t be exposed to it as a possible career path. By increasing access to the field, we hope to serve as a catalyst for change, uplifting communities through the power of education and technology.


Aryaman is a 17-year old student at the School for Advanced Studies in Miami, Florida. During his sophomore year, he observed major educational gaps at his previous high school, which were exacerbated by widespread teacher shortages. After his computer science teacher left, Aryaman decided to start hosting weekly coding workshops at the local library. As more of his peers started to get involved, what began as an after-school program turned into The Young Coders Initiative (YCI). Through his work with YCI, Aryaman has discovered the joy of teaching and the power of technology in creating opportunities for students. This experience has inspired him to pursue a career in education, specifically in the field of EdTech where he aims to use technology to bridge the educational and digital divide.

Our Team

Our Team

John Smith

Founder Young Coders Initiative
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a...

John Smith 2

Founder Young Coders Initiative
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a...

John Smith 3

Founder Young Coders Initiative
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a...